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Nurse Salary in Nebraska


Nebraska nursing salaries are among some of the lowest in the country. The average registered nurse pay in Nebraska is $66,640 per year.

Below we have mentioned different earnings for every nurse in Nebraska. We have briefly explained everything through the tables. We have mentioned salaries of:

  • Registered Nurse in Nebraska
  • Practitioner Nurse in Nebraska
  • LPN or LVN Nurses in Nebraska
  • Anesthetist Nurses in Nebraska

An analysis of national and state annual wages for every sector, as well as a full description of labor and compensation statistics, can be seen in the table.

Nebraska Registered Nurse Salaries

Nebraska’s regular salary of a registered nurse is $40.98 every hour and $11,250 annually, which in itself is so far less than the average income. In Nebraska, around 22,870 Registered Nurses are working. Nebraska has been one of the regions where registered nurses earn the least.

Salaries Paid Hourly $ Salaries Paid Weekly $ Salaries Paid Monthly $ Salaries Paid Yearly $
Salary of a Registered Nurse $29.91 $1,196 $5,184 $62,210
Registered Nurse Salary in U. S $35.36 $1,414 $6,129 $73,550
National Average Salary in U. S $2.34 $973 $4,218 $50,620

Salaries of Registered Nurses in Nebraska’s Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Areas

This section also explains the salary breakdown for registered nurses in every one of the major metropolis areas.

The nurses only with the greatest total RN salaries are included in the figure, whereas the other figures reflect the districts with the minimum median RN incomes.

The charts provide job numbers, hourly earnings, and yearly earnings in Nebraska’s metropolis and non-urban areas.

State Numbers of Employees Salaries Paid Hourly Salaries Paid Annually
Central of Nebraska 2,510 $29.01 $60,340
Grand Island 760 $29.85 $62,080
Lincol, 4,170 $30.18 $62,760
Northeast of Nebraska 2,030 $27.73 $57,670
Northeast of Nebraska 960 $28.70 $59,700
Southeast of Nebraska 980 $28.43 $59,120
Omaha-Council Bluffs 12,280 $30.52 $63,480

Nebraska Practitioner Nurse Salaries

The ordinary nurse’s income in Nebraska is $105,731, with a compensation package between $98,111 to $114,861. Salary ranges differ significantly depending somewhat on the area and a multitude of some of the other important factors including schooling, credentials, supplemental skills, and the long time you’ve served in your profession.

Nebraska has around 1,020 nurse practitioners in a range of areas, as per the latest records available. Such figures do not reflect any other expertise inside the company.

Salaries Paid Hourly $ Salaries Paid Weekly $ Salaries Paid Monthly $ Salaries Paid Annually $
Salary of a Practitioner Nurse $48.04 $1,922 $8,328 $99,930
Practitioner Nurse Salary in U. S $51.68 $2,067 $8,957 $107,480
National Average Salary in U. S $24.34 $973 $4,218 $50,620

Salaries of Practitioner Nurses in Nebraska’s Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Areas

The statistics below here show all the detailed information about practitioner nurses in Nebraska. The list down shows the information about hourly and annual average salaries in Metropolis and non-urban areas.

State Number of Employees Salaries Paid Hourly $ Salaries Paid Annually
Central of Nebraska 120 $50.53 $105,100
Grand Island 40 . .
Lincoln 130 $43.35 $90,160
NE Nebraska 100 $49.23 $102,400
Omaha-Council Bluffs 640 $47.87 $99,570

Nebraska Licensed Practical Nurse or LVN Salaries

The ordinary LPN compensation in Nebraska is $41,620, which is substantially lower. Nebraska hires 5,410 LPNs across a whole lot of sectors, as per the latest records available. Around 702,700 LPN or LVN work in the U. S.

Salaries Paid Hourly $ Salaries Paid Weekly $ Salaries Paid Monthly $ Salaries Paid Annually $
Salary of a Licensed Practical Nurse $20.01 $800 $3,468 $41,620
Licensed Practical Nurse Salary in U. S $21.98 $918 $3,976 $47,710
National Average Salary in U. S $24.34 $973 $4,218 $50,620

Salaries of Licensed Practical Nurse or LVN Nurses in Nebraska’s Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Areas

The statistics below here show all the detailed information about practitioner nurses in Nebraska. The list down shows the information about hourly and annual average salaries in Metropolis and non-urban areas.

State Number of Employees Salaries Paid Hourly $ Salaries Paid Annually
Central of Nebraska 800 $19.83 $41,250
Grand Island 260 $19.53 $40,620
Lincoln 810 $19.78 $41,140
Northeast of Nebraska 690 $20.10 $41,810
Northeast of Nebraska 330 $19.56 $40,690
Southeast of Nebraska 540 $19.62 $40,810
Omaha-Council Bluffs 2,120 $20.57 $42,790

Salary of an Anesthetist CRNA Nurse in Nebraska

Nebraska’s standard Nurse Practitioner earnings are $186,250, which would be lower than the overall for Nurse practitioners. According to the latest stats, Nebraska employs many Nurse Practitioners throughout a broad range of sectors. Additional specializations within this category are not included in these data.

Salaries Paid Hourly $ Salaries Paid Weekly $ Salaries Paid Monthly $ Salaries Paid Annually $
Salary of an Anesthetist Nur $89.54 $3,582 $15,521 $186,250
Anesthetist Nurse Salary in U. S $81.47 $3,258 $14,120 $169,450
National Average Salary in U. S $24.34 $973 $4,218 $50,620

Salary of an Anesthetist CRNA Nurse in Metropolitan and Non-Metropolitan Nebraska

The tables below offer comprehensive employment information as well as average CRNA wage data by hour, week, month, and year in Nebraska’s metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas.

State Employment Number Hourly Wage Annual Salary
Central Nebraska Non-Metropolitan Area . $89.20 $185,530
Omaha-Council Bluffs 130 $82.85 $172,330


About Rachel

Hi my name is Rachel; a registered nurse. I graduated from one of the best nursing programmes and have been working in the medical field for 10 years. As a licensed practical nurse, I understand the plight that comes with the job. While I enjoy taking care of patients, I understand the long working hours that nurses have to deal with. We spend majority of the shifts walking around the medical centre making sure all patients are taken care of and this requires a lot of work and energy on the feet. https://bestnursingshoes.net has been created to help nurses from different parts of the world find the perfect shoes to reduce the strain on your feet and posture and make the job much easier.

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