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Nurse Salary in Maine


Maine Nurse Salaries The healthcare business relies heavily on nurses. It takes a special individual to commit their life to assist others, and the profession is not for the faint of heart. Maine is located in the northeastern United States and is one of the country’s more rural states. As a result, finding decent nursing jobs might be tough.

Maine’s cost of living is significantly greater than the national average, therefore nurses who relocate to the state may have to accept a wage drop. Maine has a diversified population, with white people accounting for more than 95 percent of the population.

There are extremely few nurses of color in the state since white people make up such a huge part of the population. Over the last decade, the number of nursing positions accessible in Maine has continuously decreased, resulting in lower nurse earnings.

Depending on their amount of expertise and where they work, nurses in Maine might make anywhere from $32,000 to $65,000 per year. You could view most of the information for an extensive variety of nursing wages in Maine right below. We’ve included pay information for

  • Nurse Practitioners
  • Registered Nurses
  • Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA)
  • LPN or LVNs.

An analysis of national and state annual wages for every sector, as well as a full description of labor and compensation statistics, can be seen in the table.

Maine Registered Nurse Salaries

The regular New Graduated Certified Nursing salary in Maine is $63,407, with an income bracket of $56,878 to $72,489. Income estimates vary greatly based on the location and a multitude of other essential aspects such as graduation, qualifications, supplementary talents, and the couple of decades you’ve worked in your field. In Maine, about 14,200 Registered Nurses work in a variety of settings.

Salaries Paid Hourly $ Salaries Paid Weekly $ Salaries Paid Monthly $ Salaries Paid Annually $
Salary of a Registered Nurse 31.68 1,267 5,491 65,890
Registered Nurse Salary in U. S 35.36 1,414 6,129 73,550
National Average Salary in U. S 24.34 973 4,218 50,620

Salaries of Registered Nurses in Maine’s Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Areas

The charts provide job numbers, hourly earnings, and yearly earnings in Maine’s metropolis and non-urban areas. A registeredd nurse in Maine makes around $76,064 per year. Maine’s standard of rent is 3% substantially lower, which means they pay less for groceries, accommodation, and commuting than those in other states.

State Number of Employees Salaries Paid Hourly $ Salaries Paid Annually $
Bangor 2,040 34.90 72,600
Lewiston Auburn 1,450 29.07 60,460
Northeast of Maine 1,660 28.77 59,830
South Portland 4,520 33.28 69,220
Southwest of Maine 4,280 30.36 63,150

Maine Practitioner Nurse Salaries

Maine’s standard Nurse Practitioner earnings are $100,100, which would be lower than the overall for Nurse Practitioners. According to the latest stats, Maine employs 1,150 Nurse Practitioners throughout a broad range of sectors. Additional specializations within this category are not included in these data.

Salaries Paid Hourly $ Salaries Paid Weekly $ Salaries Paid Monthly $ Salaries Paid Annually $
Salary of a Practitioner Nurse 48.13 1,925 8,342 100,100
Practitioner Nurse Salary in U. S 51.68 2,067 8,957 107,480
National Average Salary in U. S 24.34 973 4,218 50,620

Salaries of Practitioner Nurses in Maine’s Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Areas

The statistics below here show all the detailed information about practitioner nurses in Maine. The list down shows the information about hourly and annual average salaries in Metropolis and non-urban areas.

State Number of Employees Salaries Paid Hourly $ Salaries Paid Annually $
Bangor 170 49.67 103,310
Lewiston Auburn 130 50.71 105,480
Northeast of Maine 170 46.02 95,720
South Portland 380 47.47 98,730
Southwest of Maine 290 48.08 99,920

Maine Licensed Practical Nurse or LVN Salaries

Salaries Paid Hourly $ Salaries Paid Weekly $ Salaries Paid Monthly $ Salaries Paid Annually $
Salary of a Licensed Practical Nurse 21.44 858 3,716 44,590
Licensed Practical Nurse Salary in U. S 21.98 918 3,976 47,710
National Average Salary in U. S 24.34 973 4,218 50,620

Salaries of Licensed Practical Nurse or LVN Nurses in Maine’s Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Areas

The statistics below here show all the detailed information about practitioner nurses in Maine. The list down shows the information about hourly and annual average salaries in Metropolis and non-urban areas.

State Number of Employees Salaries Paid Hourly $ Salaries Paid Annually $
Bangor 100 22.12 46,000
Lewiston Auburn 180 21.66 45,050
Northeast of Maine 210 20.23 42,080
South Portland 380 22.30 46,390
Southwest of Maine 320 20.70 43,060

Maine Anesthetist Nurse Salaries

Maine’s standard Nurse Practitioner earnings are $100,100, which would be lower than the overall for Nurse Practitioners. According to the latest stats, Maine employs 1,150 Nurse Practitioners throughout a broad range of sectors. Additional specializations within this category are not included in these data.

Salaries Paid Hourly $ Salaries Paid Weekly $ Salaries Paid Monthly $ Salaries Paid Annually $
Salary of an Anesthetist Nurse 76.67 3,067 13,290 159,480
Anesthetist Nurse Salary in U. S 81.47 3,258 14,120 169,450
National Average Salary in U. S 24.34 973 4,218 50,620

Salaries of Anesthetist Nurse in Maine’s Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Areas

The statistics below here show all the detailed information about practitioner nurses in Maine. The list down shows the information about hourly and annual average salaries in Metropolis and non-urban areas.

State Number of Employees Salaries Paid Hourly $ Salaries Paid Annually $
Southwest of Maine . 79.60 165,570


About Rachel

Hi my name is Rachel; a registered nurse. I graduated from one of the best nursing programmes and have been working in the medical field for 10 years. As a licensed practical nurse, I understand the plight that comes with the job. While I enjoy taking care of patients, I understand the long working hours that nurses have to deal with. We spend majority of the shifts walking around the medical centre making sure all patients are taken care of and this requires a lot of work and energy on the feet. https://bestnursingshoes.net has been created to help nurses from different parts of the world find the perfect shoes to reduce the strain on your feet and posture and make the job much easier.

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