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Guide to Nurse Salary in Ohio

What’s the average Nurse Salary in Ohio? The salary of an RN in Ohio is higher than most people may expect. About half of all registered nurses make between $56,270 and $76,320 per year. Salary levels vary greatly by city, employer, and level of education. Read on to learn more about nurse salaries in Ohio. You’ll be happy you did. But before we discuss how to make the most of your nursing salary, learn about the types of jobs available in this state.

Nurse Salary in Ohio

The nurse salary in OH is high in comparison to other states. Nearly half of all RNs earn between $56,270 and $76,320 a year. The exact amount will vary according to many factors, including the state you live in, the city you work in, and your role within the employer. You can also earn more money in larger cities. If you’re interested in working as an RN in OH, you’ll want to look at the salary figures in Ohio below.

The average nurse salary in Ohio is $65,500 per year. This state’s salary statistics also include nurse practitioners. There are two types of nurses: RNs and NPs. Registered nurses earn the highest pay. RNs with DNP degrees are often paid more. The average annual salary for nurses in Ohio is highest in the Cleveland-Elyria metro area. However, nurse salaries are also higher in Cincinnati, Dayton, Springfield, Lima, and Columbus.

Registered Nurse Salary in Ohio

The average annual salary of a registered nurse in Ohio varies widely. Approximately half of the employed nurses in Ohio earn $65,500 per year. The salary range varies widely due to a number of factors, including the city where the nurse is employed, the employer, and the nurse’s experience and education. Here is a breakdown of the typical salary for a registered nurse in Ohio. You can expect to see a significant pay bump for BSN-trained nurses, especially when compared to other state averages.

In the state, there are many RN job opportunities. Columbus, OH, is the state’s largest city with a population of 879,000. There are many hospitals and medical centers throughout the area, including OhioHealth Riverside Methodist Hospital, Mount Carmel East, and Doctors’ Hospital. Some RNs also work in long-term care facilities, like the Elyria Retirement Community. In Ohio, there are 23,880 RNs working in the Columbus area.

Hourly Wage Weekly Wage Monthly Salary Annual Salary
Registered Nurse RN Salary Ohio $31.49 $1,260 $5,458 $65,500
U.S. Registered Nurse RN Salary $35.36 $1,414 $6,129 $73,550
U.S. National Average Salary $24.34 $973 $4,218 $50,620

Nurse Practitioner Salary in Ohio

The average Nurse Practitioner salary in Ohio is $101,710 per year. These salaries are lower than some of the other health care professions, such as pharmacists, but they are not far behind neuropsychologists and psychiatrists. Nurse practitioners in Ohio have a limited job market, with the salary of Nurse Practitioners in the state ranked 39th out of 50. However, there is good news for nurse practitioners in Ohio. There are several benefits to becoming a Nurse Practitioner, including a high salary and a great benefits package.

In Ohio, the salary for a Nurse Practitioner is a combination of salary and benefits. This includes legally required benefits, vacation allowances, health insurance, and contributions to 401(k) funds. Moreover, nurse practitioners working in outpatient clinics and hospitals are likely to earn more than those working in private practice. In addition, many nurse practitioners in Ohio are also eligible to receive a bonus. However, there are certain restrictions.

Hourly Wage Weekly Wage Monthly Salary Annual Salary
Nurse Practitioner Salary Ohio $48.90 $1,956 $8,476 $101,710
U.S. Nurse Practitioner Salary $51.68 $2,067 $8,957 $107,480
U.S. National Average Salary $24.34 $973 $4,218 $50,620

Licensed Practical Nurse LPN / LVN Salary in Ohio

In Ohio, the average LPN salary is $42,340, which is slightly below the national average. There are approximately 40,660 LPNs working across a variety of industries. The U.S. employment growth rate is 6.61%, and there are currently 3,510 job openings in Ohio. For more information, view the tables below. The salary information is subject to change.

Throughout the country, there is a huge shortage of qualified nurses. Nursing programs struggle to keep pace with demand, and nurse burnout increases turnover rates. The BLS projects 9% growth in LPN/LVN employment through 2029, but these projections are national and may not reflect local conditions. In Ohio, the shortage of nurses is a serious issue, but if you want to work in the nursing field, the market is growing, and your salary will keep pace.

Hourly Wage Weekly Wage Monthly Salary Annual Salary
Licensed Practical Nurse LPN/LVN Salary Ohio $20.35 $814 $3,528 $42,340
U.S. Licensed Practical Nurse LPN/LVN Salary $21.98 $918 $3,976 $47,710
U.S. National Average Salary $24.34 $973 $4,218 $50,620

Nurse Anesthetist CRNA Salary in Ohio

The average yearly pay of a Certified Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) in Ohio is $159,000, with wages ranging from $128,380 to $219,831. The demand for health care professionals is rising, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This increase is attributed to an increase in the number of elderly people of all ages seeking anesthetic services, technological advances, and a growing need for health care services.

Although the cost of living in Cleveland and Akron is lower than in other top-tier cities, the salaries and economic opportunities in both locations are similar. The average CRNA salary in Ohio varies by 18% between these two cities. For this reason, choosing a city with a lower cost of living may help you balance the two. Nurse Anesthetist salaries in Ohio depend on the state and the scope of practice.

Hourly Wage Weekly Wage Monthly Salary Annual Salary
Certified Registered Nurse AnesthetistCRNA Salary Ohio $76.44 $3,058 $13,250 $159,000
U.S. Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist CRNA Salary $81.47 $3,258 $14,120 169,450
U.S. National Average Salary $24.34 $973 $4,218 $50,620


About Rachel

Hi my name is Rachel; a registered nurse. I graduated from one of the best nursing programmes and have been working in the medical field for 10 years. As a licensed practical nurse, I understand the plight that comes with the job. While I enjoy taking care of patients, I understand the long working hours that nurses have to deal with. We spend majority of the shifts walking around the medical centre making sure all patients are taken care of and this requires a lot of work and energy on the feet. https://bestnursingshoes.net has been created to help nurses from different parts of the world find the perfect shoes to reduce the strain on your feet and posture and make the job much easier.

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