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Nurse Salary in Oregon


Nurses in Oregon may earn anything from $60,960 to $77,690 per year, depending on the degree of experience and where doctors practice. The majority of the information concerning a wide range of nursing salaries in Oregon may be found right here. Nurse Practitioners, Registered Nurses, Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA), LPNs, and LVNs all have wage statistics.

The worktop contains an analysis of national and state yearly earnings for each category, and therefore a complete explanation of labor and reimbursement information.

RN Wages in Oregon

In Oregon, the average New Graduated Certified Nursing salary is $88,770, with a range of $60,960 to $77,690. About 34,310 Registered Nurses work in Oregon, in a variety of situations.

Registered Nurse Rates in Metro and Non- Regional area Locations in Oregon

In Oregon’s cosmopolitan and non-urban areas, the graphs show job numbers, hourly incomes, and annual earnings. In Oregon, a nursing assistant earns around $88,770 per year.

State Employees on the Job Paying Hourly Salaries Paying Annual Salaries
Albany 610 37.31 77,600
Bend Redmond 1,750 43.56 90,610
Central of Oregon 1,020 38.63 80,360
Corvallis 840 41.86 87,080
Eastern of Oregon 1,040 36.97 76,900
Eugene 2,900 42.40 88,190
Grants Pass 430 39.57 82,300
Medford 2,000 40.61 84,460
North Coast of Oregon 630 42.19 87,750
Salem 3,190 41.21 85,730
South Coast of Oregon 1,300 39.24 81,610
Portland Vancouver Hillsboro 22,500 43.78 91,070

Compensation for Practitioner Nurses in Oregon

Nurse Practitioners in Oregon make an average of $110,870 per year, which is lower than the national average. By the most recent statistics, Oregon employs 1,570 Nurse Practitioners throughout a variety of industries. These statistics do not contain any other specialties within this category.

Practitioner Nurse Salaries in Oregon’s Metro and Nonmetropolitan Areas

State No. of Workers Paying Hourly Salaries Paying Annual Salaries
Bend Redmond 60 49.92 103,840
Central of Oregon a Non-Metropolis Area 50 45.80 95,270
Corvallis 50 56.67 117,880
Eastern of Oregon 90 41.24 85,770
Eugene 140 60.70 126,250
Grants Pass 50 49.34 102,620
Medford 140 56.35 117,220
North Coast of Oregon 40 52.47 109,140
Salem 110 54.53 113,410
South Coast of Oregon 90 49.50 102,960
Portland Vancouver Hillsboro 910 55.30 115,030,

Salaries for Licensed Practical Nurses (LVNs) in Oregon

The average Advanced Practice Nurse (LVN) salary in Oregon is $51,040, which is lower than the national average for LVNs and LPNs. By the most recent statistics, Oregon hires 3,090 Nurse Practitioners throughout a variety of industries. In addition, there are about 702,700 LPNs and LPVs employed in the United States.

Nurse Compensation in Oregon’s Urban and Non-Urban Areas

All of the comprehensive information regarding practitioner nurses in Oregon may be found in the data below. The information regarding hourly and yearly average salaries in metropolitan and non-urban areas may be found in the list below.

State No. of Workers Paying Hourly Salaries Paying Annually Salaries
Albany 90 26.24 54,570
Bend Redmond 70 24.28 50,510
Central of Oregon a Non-Metropolitan Area 90 23.94 49,790
Corvallis 40 23.92 49,750
Eastern of Oregon 80 22.67 47,160
Eugene 440 24.28 50,500
Grants Pass 80 24.35 50,650
Medford 130 24.36 50,670
North Coast of Oregon a non-regional Area 40 24.23 50,390
Salem 550 24.76 51,500
South Coast of Oregon a non-regional Area 170 25.28 52,580
Portland Vancouver Hillsboro 1700 24.34 50,640

Nurse Anesthetist Earnings in Oregon

Nurse Practitioners in Oregon make an average of $207,480 per year, which is lower than the national average. According to the most recent statistics, Oregon employs 270 Nurse Practitioners in a variety of industries. These statistics do not contain any other specialties within this subcategory.

Paying Wages Hourly Paying Wages Weekly Paying Wages Monthly Paying Wages Annually
Nurse Anesthetist’s Salary 99.75 3,990 17,290 207,480
Salary of anesthetist nurses in the United States 81.47 3,258 14,120 169,450
Average Salary in the United States 24.34 973 4,218 50,620

Anesthetist Nurse Salaries in Metropolis and Non-Metropolis Areas of Oregon

All of the comprehensive information regarding practitioner nurses in Oregon may be found in the data below. The information regarding hourly and yearly average salaries in metropolitan and non-urban areas may be found in the list below.

State No. of Workers Paying Hourly Salaries Paying Annually Salaries
Portland Vancouver Hillsboro 210 93.58 194,640


The nurse salary in Oregon is more than the national average, but still has room for improvement. The average salary for a nurse in Oregon is $70,500, with the highest salaries found in the Portland metro area. Nurses in Oregon have higher salaries than the national average, which is $68,450. However, nurses in Oregon earn less than nurses in other states. Oregon nurses have a good average salary and have more earning potential than nurses in other states. The average salary for a nurse in Oregon is $70,500, with the highest salaries found in the Portland metro area. Nurses in Oregon have higher salaries than the national average, which is $68,450.

About Rachel

Hi my name is Rachel; a registered nurse. I graduated from one of the best nursing programmes and have been working in the medical field for 10 years. As a licensed practical nurse, I understand the plight that comes with the job. While I enjoy taking care of patients, I understand the long working hours that nurses have to deal with. We spend majority of the shifts walking around the medical centre making sure all patients are taken care of and this requires a lot of work and energy on the feet. https://bestnursingshoes.net has been created to help nurses from different parts of the world find the perfect shoes to reduce the strain on your feet and posture and make the job much easier.

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