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Staff Nurse Salary in Bahrain?

A Staff Nurse’s salary in Bahrain can range from 1656 BHD to 2130 BHD. Salary figures are based on anonymous salaries submitted by staff nurses in Bahrain. Below is a breakdown of salary statistics by experience, education, and location. The average Bahraini salary for a Staff Nurse is 1656 BHD. Learn more about the various salary levels and how to determine your salary potential.

Staff Nurse Salary Distribution in Bahrain

The average salary for a staff nurse in Bahrain ranges from 1656 BHD to 2130 BHD. The salary you receive depends on your experience, education, and location. The salary of a staff nurse in Bahrain will be more or less the same for both men and women. A staff nurse with more than 20 years of experience will earn around 6,785 BHD a month. If you are a recent graduate or have less than two years of experience, you will earn around 650 BHD per month. As a result, your salary will be higher as you gain experience and knowledge. You can also vary your salary depending on the title you hold. For example, a nursing director earns 2,960 BHD per month, while a nurse with the title of “Nurse” earns just 13,80 BHD.

If you have a Master’s degree, you might be able to earn between 513 BHD and 2668 BHD per month. Alternatively, you may be interested in a job in the Middle East, like a Home Care Nurse, Neurologist, or Cloud Consultant. Salary ranges vary by job title but are typically between 47 BHD and 151 BHD per month. The average salary for a staff nurse in Bahrain is approximately BHD 70504 per year.

Staff Nurse Salary Comparison by Years of Experience

A Staff Nurse’s salary is dependent on several factors, including the location and skill level of the nurse. Salary levels for experienced nurses tend to be higher than the average. According to sources, experienced nurses earn between 9872 BHD and 22990 BHD, more than entry-level nurses. However, the salary range for experienced nurses varies between 19040 BHD and 43924 BHD. Some employers also pay more for experienced nurses.

Salaries for nurse professionals vary greatly between regions and cities. However, nurses in larger cities typically earn more money. This is partly because the cost of living is higher, and nurses who live in larger cities are more likely to have higher salary levels. But even with higher salaries, nurses should make sure they have a plan to save money if they want to stay in a particular city or region. By following these tips, you can increase your salary and make the most of your profession.

Staff Nurse average salary changes by experience

The average salary for a Staff Nurse in Bahrain varies widely. It can range from 13,100 BHD to 48,760 BHD, and it includes housing, transportation, and benefits. Salary ranges can vary by location, skills, experience, and gender. Below is a list of salaries for Bahrain’s nurses. By experience, the salary of a Staff Nurse may increase by more than 20%. You can use this information to determine your salary expectations.

The average salary for a Staff Nurse in Bahrain varies based on location, educational background, and experience. A staff nurse with 20 years of experience makes around 1,780 BHD a month, while a newer staff nurse makes 650 BHD per month. As a staff nurse, your salary will likely increase with experience and will also vary depending on your job title. For example, a nursing director earns a lot more than a staff nurse with just a few years of experience.

Staff Nurse Salary Comparison By Education

This study examines the perceptions of first-year nursing students in Bahrain regarding their career prospects. Data collection methods included focus groups, written reflections, and self-administered questionnaires. Overall, nursing students in Bahrain expressed positive attitudes about nursing during their staff nurse and graduate program years. These positive attitudes may be attributable to the negative perception of nursing in Bahrain, which is likely rooted in the strong cultural influences of the country.

The average salary for a nurse educator in Bahrain is approximately 11,300 BHD. In contrast, the salary of nurse educators with five to ten years of experience is approximately 17,860 BHD. However, this salary is lower than those with a bachelor’s degree and may not cover housing and transportation expenses. The salary ranges are based on the number of years of experience and education. Some employers may offer higher salary packages to attract and retain top nursing professionals.

The average salary for a staff nurse in Bahrain depends on a few factors. Experience, education, and location all play an important role in determining the average salary. Experienced staff nurses earn 14,300 BHD a year, while those with less than two years of experience earn only 650 BHD per month. The salary is higher, the higher your education, and the higher your position, but it will also depend on your job title. For example, a nursing director earns 2960 BHD per month, while a nurse educator earning just 1380 BHD is only marginally higher.

Staff Nurse Salary Comparison By Gender

In this study, we sought to understand the perceptions of student nurses regarding nursing in Bahrain and to explore the factors that may influence recruitment. This triangulation research design involved both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. Data were collected from written reflections, self-report questionnaires, and focus groups. The participants were the first cohort of 38 Bahraini nursing students attending the country’s first private university.

Salary ranges for staff nurses vary significantly, depending on job title, location, and education. A staff nurse with 20 years of experience earns an average salary of 14,300 BHD per year. An entry-level staff nurse with less than two years of experience makes approximately 650 BHD per month. However, the average salary will increase with experience. The salary will also depend on the level of education and experience of the nurse. In Bahrain, nurses with a bachelor’s Degree, two to four years of experience, and n/a of experience will make the highest salaries.

As we mentioned earlier, female staff nurses earn more than their male counterparts. A male staff nurse in Bahrain earns approximately 16,400 BHD annually versus 18,780 BHD. This difference can be attributed to a range of factors, including gender, location, experience, and skills. However, the salary range for female staff nurses in Bahrain can be more than twice as high as that of a male.

Staff Nurse Average Hourly Wage in Bahrain

The Staff Nurse Average Hourly Wage in Bahrain varies, but the range is from 7,800 BHD to 27,300 BHD, including housing and transportation costs. Salary ranges are based on experience, skills, and location. Read on to discover more about the salaries of Nurse Educators in Bahrain. We’ve also included the salary range for other nursing positions. If you’re considering a career in nursing, read on to learn more about the average salary for Staff Nurses in Bahrain.

The staff nurse’s average hourly wage in Bahrain varies greatly based on many factors, including experience, location, and education. Staff nurses with more than 20 years of experience earn approximately 1,780 BHD per month. Those with less than two years of experience earn only 650 BHD per month. While salaries increase with experience, they also vary greatly depending on the job title. A nurse with the title of “nurse” earns 1380 BHD per month.

About Rachel

Hi my name is Rachel; a registered nurse. I graduated from one of the best nursing programmes and have been working in the medical field for 10 years. As a licensed practical nurse, I understand the plight that comes with the job. While I enjoy taking care of patients, I understand the long working hours that nurses have to deal with. We spend majority of the shifts walking around the medical centre making sure all patients are taken care of and this requires a lot of work and energy on the feet. https://bestnursingshoes.net has been created to help nurses from different parts of the world find the perfect shoes to reduce the strain on your feet and posture and make the job much easier.

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