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Nurse Salary in Philippines

If you are planning on becoming a nurse or already working as one, then it’s important that the salary of nurses in Philippines is known. This information can help them understand how much they could earn with their profession and compare this number against other countries where people may be nursing too.

What is the average salary for nurses in the Philippines?

If you’re a nurse in the Philippines, you can expect to earn a combative salary. The average nurse in the Philippines earns PHP 20,841 per month, or around $425. It is slightly higher than the average nurse salary in other countries.

Of course, your salary will differ according on your experience and education level. Nurses with more experience and advanced degrees can earn outstandingly more than the average salary. For instance, a nurse with 10 years of experience and a Master’s degree can expect to earn PHP 40,000 per month, or around $800.

The high salaries for nurses in the Philippines are just one of the many reasons to pursue a career in nursing. Nursing is the perfect profession for you if you’re interested in helping others and making a difference.

Factors that affect nurse salaries in the Philippines

When it comes to nurse salaries, several factors come into play. Here in the Philippines, the following factors have the most significant impact on how much nurses earn:

1. The type of nursing job:

There are many nursing jobs available in the Philippines, from staff nurse positions in hospitals to home health care and hospice positions. The salary for each type of job will vary depending on the responsibilities involved.

2. The employer:

Salaries for nurses can vary widely depending on your employer. For example, nurses working in public hospitals earn less than those working in private hospitals or clinics.

3. Years of experience:

As with most professions, nurse salaries tend to increase with experience. In general, nurses with more than 10 years of experience can earn higher salaries than those with less experience.

4. Educational qualifications:

In the Philippines, nurses need to have at least a diploma in nursing from a recognized institution to be registered with the Philippines Nurses Board. Those with higher educational qualifications, such as a degree or master’s in nursing, will typically earn higher salaries than those without these qualifications.

5. Area of specialty:

Nursing is a broad profession with many different things, from critical care and emergency nursing to pediatric and geriatric nursing. The salary for each specialty will differ depending on the skills and knowledge required.

6. Location:

As with most jobs, the location of your nursing position can also impact your salary. Nurses working in the central Philippines typically earn more than those working in the suburbs or rural areas.

7. The demand for nurses:

The need for nurses also impacts salaries. For example, during economic growth or when there is a shortage of nurses, salaries tend to be higher than during periods of recession or when there is an oversupply of nurses.

8. The cost of living:

The cost of living in the Philippines can also affect nurses salaries. In general, nurses working in more expensive areas, such as central Philippines, will earn higher salaries than those working in cheaper areas, such as the suburbs or rural areas.

9. Union membership:

Nurses who are members of unions typically earn higher salaries than those who are not. It is because unions negotiate better pay and working conditions for their members.

10. Working hours:

The number of hours worked can also affect nurse salaries. Nurses who work longer hours, such as those working in hospitals, will typically earn more than those who work shorter hours, such as those working in clinics or community health centers.

11. Overtime:

As a nurse, you may be required to work overtime on occasion. If you do, you will likely earn more money than nurses who don’t work overtime. This is because nurses who work overtime are paid for the extra hours they work.

12. Call duty:

Nurses who are on call, such as those working in hospitals, will earn more than those who are not. It is because they are paid for the extra hours worked.

13. Night shift:

Working the night shift can be a great way to earn extra money as a nurse. You will be paid a premium for working unsociable hours, and you can often find yourself with more opportunities to work overtime.

14. Public holidays:

Public holidays can be a great time to earn some extra money as a nurse. Many hospitals offer premium pay for nurses who work these days. This can be a great way to boost your income and get some extra money in your pocket.

15. Annual leave:

Nurses who take annual leave earn more than those who do not. It is because they are paid for the time off from work.

16. Bonuses:

Nurses who receive bonuses earn more than those who do not. It is because they are given extra money for their work. They may receive a bonus for working overtime, on-call, or on night shifts.

These are just a few factors that affect nurse salaries in the Philippines. When researching salary expectations and considering a career in nursing, it’s essential to keep these factors in mind.

How to maximize your earnings as a nurse in the Philippines

As a nurse in Philippines, you have the potential to earn an excellent salary. However, you can do a few things to maximize your earnings. Here are some tips:

1. Get a degree from an accredited nursing school:

It is essential to have a degree from an accredited nursing school. There are many nursing schools in Philippines, so do your research and choose one that will give you the best education possible.

2. Work at a teaching hospital:

If you want to maximize your earnings as a nurse, consider working at a teaching hospital. These institutions typically pay their nurses more than other hospitals.

3. Join a professional organization:

Professional organizations, such as the Philippines Nurses Association, offer many benefits to members, including access to continuing education opportunities and networking events. These can help you advance in your career and earn a higher salary.

4. Get certified:

There are many different types of nursing certifications, and each one can help you earn a higher salary. For example, nurses who are certified in critical care or surgery tend to make more than those who are not permitted.

5. Stay current on new developments:

As a nurse, it is essential to stay current on recent developments in your field. It will not only make you a better nurse, but it will also make you more marketable and could lead to a higher salary.

6. Get experience:

Experience is always valuable, so try to get as much knowledge as possible. You could consider working in a variety of settings or taking on additional responsibilities at your current job.

7. Be willing to relocate:

If you are ready to relocate, you could earn a higher salary. For example, nurses who work in Philippines typically make more than those who work in Malaysia.

8. Keep up with your education:

In order to maintain your nursing license, you will need to keep up with your education. It will not only make you a better nurse, but it will also make you more marketable and could lead to a higher salary.

9. Be professional:

Always remember that as a nurse, you are a professional. It means punctuality, dressing appropriately, and maintaining a high level of patient care. By being experienced, you will set yourself apart from other nurses and could earn a higher salary.

10. Be patient:

Nursing can be a demanding job, so it is essential to be patient. It will not only make you a better nurse, but it will also make you more marketable and could lead to a higher salary.

11. Have a positive attitude:

It is essential to have a positive attitude when working as a nurse. It will not only make you a better nurse, but it will also make you more marketable and could lead to a higher salary.

12. Be flexible:

As a nurse, you must be flexible. It means being able to work different shifts, weekends, and holidays. By being flexible, you will set yourself apart from other nurses and could earn a higher salary.

13. Be a team player:

Nursing is a team sport, so it is essential to be a team player. It will not only make you a better nurse, but it will also make you more marketable and could lead to a higher salary.

14. Be organized:

You will need to be collected as a nurse. It means being able to keep track of patients, their medications, and their appointments. By being organized, you will set yourself apart from other nurses and could earn a higher salary.

In conclusion

In conclusion, the average salary for nurses in the Philippines is very competitive. If you are thinking about becoming one, then you should definitely consider pursuing a career in nursing. There are many great benefits to being a nurse, including the high salaries.

About Rachel

Hi my name is Rachel; a registered nurse. I graduated from one of the best nursing programmes and have been working in the medical field for 10 years. As a licensed practical nurse, I understand the plight that comes with the job. While I enjoy taking care of patients, I understand the long working hours that nurses have to deal with. We spend majority of the shifts walking around the medical centre making sure all patients are taken care of and this requires a lot of work and energy on the feet. https://bestnursingshoes.net has been created to help nurses from different parts of the world find the perfect shoes to reduce the strain on your feet and posture and make the job much easier.

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