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Nurse Salary in South Dakota

If you’re looking for a nursing job in South Dakota, the salary range for various nurse positions is a good starting point. There are different types of nurses, including Hospital and Licensed practical nurses. If you want to learn more about each type of nursing job, read the following articles. In addition, the salary information is organized by type of facility. For example, a Hospital nurse may earn more than a Licensed practical nurse or a licensed vocational nurse, but a Licensed advanced practice registered (APRN) earns more than the average hospital nurse.

The average RN salary in South Dakota is $57,010 a year

If you’re looking for a career as an RN in South Dakota, you’ve come to the right place. The average salary for an RN is $57,010 per year, which is higher than the national average. However, the salary can vary greatly based on skills, years of experience, and location. With only a few companies currently hiring RNs in South Dakota, there are a lot of opportunities to advance your career.

Despite the lower-than-average nurse salary, the cost of living in South Dakota is low, making it a popular destination for both travel nurses and staff nurses. Approximately 12,940 nurses lived in South Dakota in 2018.

Hourly Wage Weekly Wage Monthly Salary Annual Salary
Registered Nurse RN Salary South Dakota $27.41 $1,096 $4,751 $57,010
U.S. Registered Nurse RN Salary $35.36 $1,414 $6,129 $73,550
U.S. National Average Salary $24.34 $973 $4,218 $50,620

Hospital nurses in South Dakota

The average Hospital Nurse salary in South Dakota is $81,066, with some variations. The highest-paying cities are Huron and Yankton. While the South Dakota average is slightly above average, there are plenty of other cities in the state with higher pay. In general, RNs in Huron make 17.1% more than the average. If you’re interested in becoming a Nurse, the state is a good place to start looking.

The South Dakota nursing market is currently experiencing shortages. The aging population and fewer nursing students are both contributing to this trend. However, the state’s nurse salary is below average compared to the national average. According to the American Nurses Association, the state ranks 51st in the nation in nurse salaries. If you’re thinking about working in South Dakota, consider the state’s low cost of living and the salaries in different cities.

Licensed practical nurses in South Dakota

If you are interested in becoming a Licensed Practical Nurse in South Dakota, there are several steps you need to take to obtain the license. Those who wish to practice in the state must complete a licensed practical nurse education program and pass the national NCLEX-PN exam. Once you have completed these steps, you may apply for licensure from the South Dakota Board of Nursing. As a licensed practical nurse in South Dakota, your license is valid in several states, as the state has signed the Nurse Licensure Compact with other states. Consequently, LPNs from other states can practice in South Dakota without transferring their license.

Those wishing to become an LPN should be aware that the scope of employment for this profession is very good. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that South Dakota will see a 16% growth in practical nurse jobs by 2024. The state has 4 accredited nursing schools, and LPNs are highly sought after. In addition to the growing demand for this profession, South Dakota also offers competitive salaries.

Hourly Wage Weekly Wage Monthly Salary Annual Salary
Licensed Practical Nurse LPN/LVN Salary South Dakota $18.12 $725 $3,141 $37,690
U.S. Licensed Practical Nurse LPN/LVN Salary $21.98 $918 $3,976 $47,710
U.S. National Average Salary $24.34 $973 $4,218 $50,620

Licensed vocational nurses in South Dakota

A license to work as a Licensed Vocational Nurse in South Dakota can be obtained by completing a program offered by the South Dakota Board of Nursing. The program will train you in the basic nursing skills and the requirements for licensure. You will also be required to complete a criminal background check. This will take two weeks, and a completed fingerprint card is required. In addition, you will be required to pay a $25 fee for a temporary work permit.

As a licensed vocational nurse, you will provide patients with vital care and educate and comfort them. You will be faced with challenging situations, and a strong desire to help people will help you succeed in this profession. Licensed vocational nurses in South Dakota earn an average salary of $38,640 per year. However, there are a variety of nursing careers in the state. For example, there are positions available in nursing education in the Black Hills, Rapid City, and Sioux Falls.

Licensed advanced practice registered nurses

Licensed advanced practice registered nurses in South Dakota are required to maintain certification for at least two years. This license must be renewed every two years and includes a fee of $115. Upon expiration of the license, the nurse must provide proof of continuing education credits. To renew the license, the nurse must complete at least 140 hours of work during the previous six years. The cost of maintaining a license is the same as that for an RN license.

There are four types of APRN licenses in South Dakota. These licenses can include certified nurse midwives, registered nurse anesthetists, and clinical nurse specialists. To obtain an APRN license, a nurse must have a current South Dakota RN license, a master’s degree, and national certification. Once a nurse is licensed, they can work in a hospital or medical center as a certified nurse.

Hourly Wage Weekly Wage Monthly Salary Annual Salary
Nurse Practitioner Salary South Dakota $48.09 $1,924 $8,336 $100,030
U.S. Nurse Practitioner Salary $51.68 $2,067 $8,957 $107,480
U.S. National Average Salary $24.34 $973 $4,218 $50,620


About Rachel

Hi my name is Rachel; a registered nurse. I graduated from one of the best nursing programmes and have been working in the medical field for 10 years. As a licensed practical nurse, I understand the plight that comes with the job. While I enjoy taking care of patients, I understand the long working hours that nurses have to deal with. We spend majority of the shifts walking around the medical centre making sure all patients are taken care of and this requires a lot of work and energy on the feet. https://bestnursingshoes.net has been created to help nurses from different parts of the world find the perfect shoes to reduce the strain on your feet and posture and make the job much easier.

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